Your gift today supports the crucial arts, news and music programming on KSMU. Thank you!

Will this be a onetime gift, or a monthly sustaining gift?

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Your first payment will be processed today. Choose a schedule for future payments:

Donation Amount

Billing Information

Please enter the address and zip code associated with your card.

First and Last Name
Billing Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Sustainer Terms of Agreement
I authorize KSMU to withdraw my monthly sustaining gift from my account indicated. This authorization shall remain in effect until I notify KSMU that I wish to change it or end it, and KSMU has reasonable time to act on my wishes. A record of each payment will appear on my monthly credit card or bank statement and will serve as my receipt. If I requested a thank-you gift, I understand KSMU must use a portion of my donation to purchase the gift and therefore it will be mailed to me after station costs have been covered (typically after 2-3 payments). Any pledge obligation agreed upon in order to receive the thank-you gift is due in full upon cancellation.
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